The HABiT team will come and perform a site visit to check key structural and cosmetic elements of a home. They will then have a chat with you about anything you should be concerned about.
Our LBP’s use their experience and expertise to produce a detailed report designed to give you the certainty that your home is structurally sound and fit for purpose.
The building inspector will make contact the following day to discuss the report and answer any questions that you may have.
The HABiT team are independent inspectors who are working only on your behalf.
We aim towards a 24-hour turnaround service for standard reports. Helping you into your new home faster.
We take multiple photographs so you can instantly view the areas not normally accessed when viewing a property.
With not only 45+ years experience in the industry, the HABiT inspection team is guided by the NZS 4306:2005 based reporting.
Any areas that require attention will be logged with an explanation of where it is, what the problem is, and what is required to bring it up to an acceptable standard.
From booking your inspection, to providing your report, we strive to make the whole process a simple and stress free experience.
© 2020 Habit Christchurch. Bluempire Creative