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The difference between concrete and timber floors

Concrete Floors

Concrete floors are the reinforced foundation of your house. This method has become the standard since the 1980’s.
Polystyrene pods (rib-raft style) have been introduced for it’s thermal and strengthening benefits.

difference between concrete floors and wooden floors
concrete v wooden floors - Habit Christchurch
concrete v wooden floors - Habit Property Inspector
Habit Christchurch - Property Inspectors

Timber Floors

Timber floors are typically constructed prior to the 1980’s. An obvious detail to see if you have a timber floor is by viewing vents built into the foundation.

To inspect a subfloor with piles will involve a more thorough inspection, as the team need to use a specialist robot to check multiple areas for possible damage. 

TImber Floors - Habit Christchurch
TImber Floors - Habit Christchurch